Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Way We Were

The comment below came from Rayo. I thought I'd post it on the front page.

hi laspapi, ur blog used to kip me company a wyl back but now i'm kinda gettin bored, pls spice things up a bit, i'll bet most of us get to read 'the girl whisperer' in 'life', but its almost like that's also the best part of ur blog now and dir isnt so much else. it is ur blog and u get to do what u want but i gues i mis the old laspapi kind of posts....

Point taken, Rayo. I think it has to do with a mix of things. Just writing the 'Girl Whisperer' for the Guardian means I have to write at least once a week, and it has to make a great deal of sense, whether I'm feeling blue or not. Having a page to myself means I must be careful, so I do the GW first and other things follow.

I have to produce a play weekly too, and it takes a toll on my time as well. That's outside the commissioned works I get. I rehearse daily and sometimes even when I know I want to write, I can't find the strength. I'm known as a playwright and I have to give serious attention to that kind of writing too.

Still, I see your angle, and I'll look to this matter (maybe I'll reduce my galleria attendance-I've seen every movie they've brought over the past three months, for instance, some 2ce, apart from the baby-ish ones)

You could go into the archives from time to time, though. A friend of mine, (she's a well-known radio presenter) wrote to tell me last month, she spent 4 hours going through stuff I'd written (and even I know there are gold nuggets there). I've been blogging more than two years now, I bet you haven't read all I've put down.

Thanks Rayo. laspapi salutes you.

ps. love your photo and do say hi when next you see me.


Woomie O! said...

Papi, i must confess, i read the old posts much more than the new ones.
The first thing i do when i open ur page is check the archives for what you were up to this time last year...or two years ago.

BTW, What's up with Mr.Smith???
I think he's cute.

Rayo's right, life's getting too serious. Maybe you can start telling us about all these movies you go to see huh?

Black Man Comes said...

I like your plug to posts from the day gone by. True to you though, you style has remained the same but grown with rich content. and i love the lady whisperer. somehow i wish all ladies could get it. sometimes i tell them they dont hear me.

Well well, yes, whatever happened to your kittens. I am not sure i can have cats but gioven the way u so mildly told the story, i would have adopted them too.

Rayo said...

should i say u've 'fallen my hand', did not expect that and how about if i tell u i've read every single one of ur posts and stil re- read them coz i download and save them on my system so i can go back to them when i want.

laspapi said...

@ woomie- thanks for being faithful to the cause, woomie. I'll start movie reviews soon. Off to Ibadan tomorrow, back on saturday.

@ bmc- Thanks, black man. THe circumstances of the kitten- adoption was an extraordinary one. Gave one of them to Carl Raccah, the music producer. I think he said she ran off with a tom cat to start a family close by.

@ rayo- thanks, rayo. I'll be more conscentious as a blogger again though. Sometimes you see issues you really want to write about but you cant find the strength. I'll manage my time better so I can write more.

olaoluwatomi said...

was not going to leave a comment after reading rayos but the 'oya now! at the top of your LEAVE YOUR COMMENT page made me change my mind.
Read all ur entries too but have not downloaded any to go back to:) Second the motion moved by rayo, write some more (pot calling kettle...) truly some of us are waiting to read origos minus the GW! All da best.

bumight said...

i see someone called you out, lol!

Babawilly said...

Ah, na wa. People reading for free are being demanding.
Omo, put am for book make dem pay.
Ha ha ha.
Personally, if na FOC (free of charge), I would be grateful for what I get.
You don try jo. Ah ah.