Monday, October 20, 2008

Many of my friends have expressed their concern on the web as to my safety on the bike. Here's a picture from last Sunday at Terra Kulture (I rode to the island) to show that I could double as 'Robocop'.

I'm as prepared as can be. Now we pray...


dScR?Be said...

lmao... is there such a thing as "over-prepared"? LMAO.. way 2 go sha... u try...

u have succeeded in resembling charlie boy, now all u need is dreads n a nose ring.. lmao... hehehehe... nice one though, stay protected

Black Man Comes said...

Bros, as you have protected every part of your body, why did you leave out ur feet? ABi, you dont need them? Robocop will not wear tennis shoes o.

Iyaeto said...

well equipped? wey ya boots and d big "H"!!

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

That's what i'm talking about!

Sherri said...

wey ur helmet?

laspapi said...

@ all- The helmet was on the seat.I dont know about those shoes o! How do I make rapid clothing changes?