Thursday, May 29, 2008

laspapi at his office on Democracy day, 29th May, hours before being a guest on the TV show, Moments with Mo (Abudu).


Uzo said... that's the office. You know they say your table reflects the state of your mind..:-)

QMoney said...

Looking good!!
i shall watch out for the edition.

The Indecent One..... said...

1st!!!!!!! Yay!

meanwhile, so thats u?? na wa o...see as u dey enjoy, Interesting..:p

Woomie O! said...

You need an office to do the things you do????
i had no

Uzo's right...can you clear some of these pending stuff I see lying around? He he!

Anyways, can i see that painting on the left...P-L-E-A-S-E *wink* *wink* *wink*.

laspapi said...

@ uzo- that's the office, uzo. However, I think playwrights might be the exception to your rule. When you want to do the Soyinka Season- more than 20 full-length plays, short plays and sketches, your table will be littered a bit

@ qmoney- Thank you. Its on MNET and the NTA Network now

@ woomie- I need an office o! That picture on the wall's got nude folks in it even if the ...ehr...'offensive' parts are covered

Anonymous said...

lol @ uzo!!!he must be a busy person that why his table is like that!!how r u laspapi

In my head and around me said...

No laptop or computer?

Kiibaati said...

I beg, a clean table is a sign of a cluttered drawer…

dScR?Be said...

fyynnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee boy!

laspapi said...

@ pink satin- I don't understand Uzo o! she thinks we read off disks? Take your time, uzo!!!

@ in my head- how is that possible? I'm a writer. There are two laptops in that one room at any given time.

@ kiibaati- Well said, m'lord. We know these things.

1stpet2- My girl, the ScRiBe. 'Let our enemies live long and see what we will be in future.'

Uzo said...

I just stuck my tongue out at you by the way.....

Sherri said...

how about dem dimples!

Aramide said...

hey laspaps

i put the wole soyinka info on my blog

i look fwd to attending all the july ones (wink wink wink) and beyond

Ask me why :o)

So look fwd to finally meeting you

iEsquire said...

Oya now! That's really funny. Neways, do u have real books on that shelf or just comics?

laspapi said...

@ uzo- just stuck your tongue to my office wall. I'll let you go on democracy day next year

@ sherri- I love you too, sherri

@ mona- whasshappening? You relocating...It will be wonderful to see you. Thanks for the Soyinka Word

@ esquire - its an eclectic mix (I love that grammar) The comics are hidden. Those are law and literature books.