@ uzo- that's the office, uzo. However, I think playwrights might be the exception to your rule. When you want to do the Soyinka Season- more than 20 full-length plays, short plays and sketches, your table will be littered a bit
@ qmoney- Thank you. Its on MNET and the NTA Network now
@ woomie- I need an office o! That picture on the wall's got nude folks in it even if the ...ehr...'offensive' parts are covered
playwright, poet, lawyer, dreamer- According to aerotechnical tests, a Bumble Bee cannot fly because of the shape and weight of its body in relation to its total wing area.
The Bumble Bee does not know this however, so it goes ahead and flies anyway.
Ah...so that's the office. You know they say your table reflects the state of your mind..:-)
Looking good!!
i shall watch out for the edition.
1st!!!!!!! Yay!
meanwhile, so thats u?? na wa o...see as u dey enjoy, Interesting..:p
You need an office to do the things you do????
i had no idea...lol.
Uzo's right...can you clear some of these pending stuff I see lying around? He he!
Anyways, can i see that painting on the left...P-L-E-A-S-E *wink* *wink* *wink*.
@ uzo- that's the office, uzo. However, I think playwrights might be the exception to your rule. When you want to do the Soyinka Season- more than 20 full-length plays, short plays and sketches, your table will be littered a bit
@ qmoney- Thank you. Its on MNET and the NTA Network now
@ woomie- I need an office o! That picture on the wall's got nude folks in it even if the ...ehr...'offensive' parts are covered
lol @ uzo!!!he must be a busy person that why his table is like that!!how r u laspapi
No laptop or computer?
I beg, a clean table is a sign of a cluttered drawer…
fyynnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee boy!
@ pink satin- I don't understand Uzo o! she thinks we read off disks? Take your time, uzo!!!
@ in my head- how is that possible? I'm a writer. There are two laptops in that one room at any given time.
@ kiibaati- Well said, m'lord. We know these things.
1stpet2- My girl, the ScRiBe. 'Let our enemies live long and see what we will be in future.'
I just stuck my tongue out at you by the way.....
how about dem dimples!
hey laspaps
i put the wole soyinka info on my blog
i look fwd to attending all the july ones (wink wink wink) and beyond
Ask me why :o)
So look fwd to finally meeting you
Oya now! That's really funny. Neways, do u have real books on that shelf or just comics?
@ uzo- just stuck your tongue to my office wall. I'll let you go on democracy day next year
@ sherri- I love you too, sherri
@ mona- whasshappening? You relocating...It will be wonderful to see you. Thanks for the Soyinka Word
@ esquire - its an eclectic mix (I love that grammar) The comics are hidden. Those are law and literature books.
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