Monday, April 30, 2007

More this, more that.

As I drove on Adeniran Ogunsanya Street a few weeks back, this fellow came to my car. "I am deaf and dump (sic), his placard read, and I thought, "this will make a good picture". As I reached for the camera and pointed, he stepped back and away from the camera, and I wasn't sure if he had struck a pose for the camera or was an antelope caught in the lights of a speeding truck late at night. It was his expression that struck me.

I couldn't get him off my mind as I drove off. He's my brother, my countryman. Time and Chance happen to us all.


Anonymous said...

I am your brother, I am your that touched me.

When we all see ourselves in others, it helps us not judge, and not just be sympathetic but empathetic too. It should make us have more gratitude and with that a responsibility and simply be our brothers keepers..

Iyaniwura said...

there's something about this pic that makes me really sad.. You almost can't see his eyes..and with the little you can see there seems to be so much sadness..quite overwhelming..

Wordsbody said...


It's good you're profound like that. But I hope you gave the guy some change sha...


Anonymous said...

hehehe@dump. Someone posted that on my facebook wall instead of dumb the other day, and i made a lot of noise about it.

Eeeyah, why did he step back? Maybe he thought you would hurt him.

laspapi said...

@ refinedone- I learnt a lesson that day

@ gold mine- that's the over-riding feeling I got. One of sadness.

@ wordsbody- trust you to be practical, wb

@ omosewa- I don't know what he thought, beautiful child, but something about him made me pause that day

Waffarian said...

Oh Laspipi, this picture! His eyes.....he is smiling, yet, so sad, I wonder what his story is......

laspapi said...

If I told you, waffy....

Unknown said...

I am your brother, I am your countryman....

When I am in traffic, I see people and try to imagine what might look like if they were given the same opprtunities as the average bank worker. I imagine that their complexion would be lighter, the creases on their face would be smoother and softer, their worries might not be less but would be of a different nature. They would look like me!

Brillant post, Laspapi!

laspapi said...

In my head, You understand what it's about.