Friday, September 19, 2008

The Wole Soyinka Sketches and Plays (A Season Of Soyinka) were staged through the months of June & July at Terra Kulture.

Below are pictures from a couple.

Pic 1- Babuzu Lion-Heart- The forerunner to Prof. Soyinka's play, King Ba'abu. In the scene shot here, the sit-tight dictatator, babuzu, rises from the dead.

Pic 2- Symbolic Peace, Symbolic gifts. One of Soyinka's satires of politics in Nigeria. In it, Olarotimi Michaels (left)and Paul Alumona go head to head.

1 comment:

bumight said...

I'm coming to Nigeria this dec...I think, and I MUST see a laspapi-directed play by fire by force!